John Constable's The Cornfield (The Drinking Boy)

In the Cornfield of sadness I cannot walk A Drinking Boy thirsty for delight A silent and loner man who never talked Petrified I am and timid in my own flight. Embracing my heart without fervor is vain Feeding my soul without zeal is certainly wasted Just adding grieve to my core full of pain Heaven on earth, flavorful yet never been tasted. Running out of happy thoughts to think I cannot fly high in the middle of struggle and tussle From the highest hill to deepest lake I sink But strived back to the land and return to the battle. Read and see my soul in my first sorrow Inflict a blade of pain to my wounds deeper To the green corn moon I eagerly stare for tomorrow Chance and glee to God I will whisper. Understand and ease my strife Cleanse my spirit by your wonderful heart Regret is when I look back over my life But your love eases my trouble and doubt. In the Cornfield of sadness I once walked Conquering mind is what I got And lovely and beautiful soul Blo...