Two-faced patriots 8.25.2014 A love for the country is second to love for God, for I could not imagine how delightful the last verse of our National Anthem written as this: “Beautiful land of love, O land of light, In thine embrace ‘tis rapture to lie; But is it glory ever, when t hou art wronged, For us, thy sons to suffer and die.” This one was created by Jose Palma, from Spanish Poem ‘Filipinas’, adapted to become lyrics to the musical composition of Julian Felipe as instructed by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo in preparation of the Declaration of Independence in Kawit, Cavite. The writer purely showed the patriotism in his blood, the eagerness to be freed and the ultimate dream to live without tyranny. The song was inspired by J.P. Rizal, GOMBURZA, Gabriela Silang and all nameless souls buried in the deep of the sea, in the nameless graveyard, in the forest and battlefields. “But is it glory ever, w...