A love for the
country is second to love for God, for I could not imagine how delightful the
last verse of our National Anthem written as this:
“Beautiful land of
love, O land of light,
In thine embrace
‘tis rapture to lie;
But is it glory
ever, when thou art wronged,
For us, thy sons to
suffer and die.”
This one was created by Jose Palma, from Spanish Poem ‘Filipinas’, adapted to become lyrics
to the musical composition of Julian Felipe as instructed by Gen. Emilio
Aguinaldo in preparation of the Declaration of Independence in Kawit, Cavite.
The writer purely
showed the patriotism in his blood, the eagerness to be freed and the ultimate
dream to live without tyranny. The song
was inspired by J.P. Rizal, GOMBURZA, Gabriela Silang and all nameless souls
buried in the deep of the sea, in the nameless graveyard, in the forest and
“But is it glory
ever, when thou art wronged,
For us, thy sons to
suffer and die.”
And the rest is
written in the pages of history……
Now, Year 2014.
There are patriots
as they claimed, as their utmost love for the country is what they shouted for,
in the big streamer, in the national television, in the senate inquiry in aid
of legislation, in the micropohone/megaphone in their political campaign, in
their jingle, they are the‘makabayan’, ‘maka-Diyos’, and ‘maka-tao’. Their intentions are pure, clear and unwicked
but tell it to the marines.
Some of them are political
butterflies as called, wherein transferring from one political party to another
is their habit for their own benefit, there are some political geniuses, the
lawmakers who authored bill not for the welfare of his countrymen, but for his
own agenda to manipulate law for their own good.
Many of the Congressmen and
senators have PDAF and DAP, funds allotted to them for the welfare and
development of their constituents, while these funds are also the main reason
of graft and corruption in the government, while these funds in addition are
derived from taxes automatically deducted from ordinary wage earners and middle
class citizens. Amidst of poor standing
of our country, amidst of increasing poverty level of our people, these lawmakers
have all the money in the world to feed their leisure, while the Juan Dela
Cruz, the ordinary people, struggling, striving just to survive from his daily
They are worse than ‘makapili’ in
times of Japanese regime, they are worse than Filipinos who persecuted and
ambushed the likes of Andres Bonifacio and Gen. Antonio Luna during the Spanish
era, but they are in the same category - the traitors. That’s why now we called them the ‘two-faced patriots’ wherein there’s
an evil goodness in the other side while there’s an ‘angel in hell’ being on
the other end of the face.
Let stand as one in
fighting these two-faced patriots as the battle now is not for the freedom from
oppression but for the freedom from illiteracy, to be politically aware and
matured. We should exercise our right to
vote but please choose the lesser evil ones.
“But is it glory
ever, when thou art wronged,
For us, thy sons to
suffer and die.”
In Tagalog:
“Aming ligaya nang
pag may mang-aapi,
Ang mamatay nang
dahil sa yo.”
Hoping that this last verse in our
National Anthem stands as reminder to us that our heroes before really loved
our Motherland, who’s ready to suffer and die for the wellness of our country
and our fellowmen.
It really takes courage and greater love to die for a cause.
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