A walk with Mother Nature
In this modern world, in this fancy land decorated by
Light-Emitting Diode lamps and neon lights, in this fast-paced society maneuvered
by high technology thru remote controls, where the mobility of humans is at
high velocity, where gadgets and convenience are all that matters, you may stop
and look into this thought for a while:

Source image: en.wikipedia.org

Source image: en.wikipedia.org
Source image: flickrhivemind.net
Try to appreciate the unseen beauty that you might not yet
discerned around you, the beauty of innocence.
Walk once in a while, Define the meaning of life by counting your little
steps towards your desired refuge, wherever it is. Don’t rush in, enjoy the promenade and take
your time. All walks are worthwhile, if
you value the purpose of them.

You may travel and stroll outside
the noisy and polluted city. Along your
way, you will encounter these little things that seems unnoticeable to you before:
The buzz of a bee,
The chirps of birds in the tree,
The goat’s bleats,
The flapping sound of the leaves,
The breeze of the wind,
The morning dew,
The foggy view in the fields,
The green grasses in the meadow,
The tiny pieces of hay,
The calm wave of the sea,
The warm rays of a sun,
The lovely sunset in the bay,
And the serene sound of peace.

You will feel the embrace and comfort gives by these
unremarkable things to you previously, the Gifts from God. Our ancestors enjoyed them in the past in the
absence of today’s dynamic inventions of mankind.

They just survived from innocence and simplicity, or would I
say got pleasure from them, hence, they were lucky enough and closely felt the
true haven on this planet, provided by our lovely Mother Nature.
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