Circus of Life (Year 1996)
After the world was created,
Adam and Eve mated,
Became human's ancestors,
Mankind's journey began to explore,
Based on Moses's scripture,
Where Creator's words featured,
Three divisions of era were set,
Days of Christian, Patriarch, and Prophet,
Patriarch's and Prophet's days were over,
Christian era still on play.......
Many great people had conqueror's mind,
Invaded other nation, other land,
Darius, Cyrus started the trend,
And so Alexander the Great,
Caesars of Rome then conquered,
Almost the Europe and the Crescent,
The fight, the quest never ends,
Renaissance sought the essence,
Michaelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo,
Ideas, principles started to grow.......

Earth spinned around,
Apple fell into the ground,
Galileo's mind, Newton's work,
Roman's principle broke,
Bishop's objected and scoffed,
Copernicus was in dope,
Independent minds were chained,
Sensitive prides in vain,
Then Einstein got the idea,
Fairies formulated the formula......

God's will was prevailed,
Magellan set and sailed,
From West to Orient,
At Mizrach's area entered,
The Pearl was discovered,
Folks thought Columbus was weird,
Then he began to step up,
Followed his dynamic own plot,
At the New World was arrived,
Conquered the primitive tribe.....
Eagles then enriched,
Nazis blocked their way,
Nippons joined the play,
Outburst became lessened,
Hiroshima then shattered,
Axis outplayed by Allies,
Our world was sliced,
Mother Earth was sickened,
She wished for her end........
Cold war era began,
Russian versus American,
Kennedy was assassinated,
Stars and Stripes was spirited,
Yuri went to the Space,
Big Three took his place,
Communism shocked the world,
Dictators became bold,
Mao was a great leader,
The Reds became wicker.....

Twenty first century began,
Pearl is on the run,
Eagle still the number one,
Followed by Japan,
There are sometimes troubles,
But still can control,
Earth still spinning,
Mankind still striving,
Circus of Life still on trend,
Only God can set our end........
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