Storm go away! (Beat-up the doldrums) 8.29.1997
Stars are so few,
Clouds are the morning dew,
A picture of a foggy view.....
A very dull night,
Crescent is the only light,
Owls lost their sight.....
It's very cold and dark,
Mountain wolves don't bark,
Suckers on their mark.....
Bamboos always nag,
Wind challenge the logs,
A dale covered with fog.....
Can't go to the field,
There's a wild whirlwind,
Must stay home and take heed.....
Like the birds on their nest,
Must forget their quest,
A journey to the West.....

Clouds are the morning dew,
A picture of a foggy view.....
A very dull night,
Crescent is the only light,
Owls lost their sight.....
It's very cold and dark,
Mountain wolves don't bark,
Suckers on their mark.....
Bamboos always nag,
Wind challenge the logs,
A dale covered with fog.....
Can't go to the field,
There's a wild whirlwind,
Must stay home and take heed.....
Like the birds on their nest,
Must forget their quest,
A journey to the West.....
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